
[LinZLZ10] 林子雨, 左思强, 赖永炫, 张东站. DB&IR系统研究综述. 计算机研究与发展. Vol 47(Suppl.), Oct, 2010. PP:176-180.[全文PDF下载]

林子雨1 左思强1 赖永炫2 张东站1
1(厦门大学 计算机科学系, 厦门 361005)
2(厦门大学 软件学院, 厦门 361005)
摘要 介绍了从DB、IR到DB&IR的发展历程;阐述了DB&IR系统的设计考虑因素;讨论了DB&IR系统的体系架构设计问题;介绍了DB&IR系统所采用的基于关键词的查询技术;最后总结并展望未来的研究方向。
关键词 关键词查询; 数据库; 信息检索
中图法分类号 TP301
DB&IR System: A Survey
Lin Ziyu1, Zuo Siqiang1, Lai Yongxuan2, Zhang Dongzhan1
1(Department of Computer Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China)
2(School of Software, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China)
Abstract The development process from DB, IR to DB&IR is presented first, followed by the detailed description of the consideration factors for the design and architecture of DB&IR system. Then keyword search in DB&IR system is discussed. Finally, some future trends in this area are discussed.
Keywords keyword search; database; information retrieval
