



翻译:厦门大学计算机系林子雨(http://www.cs.xmu.edu.cn/linziyu)  翻译时间:2012426日星期四

RDBaaS表示Relational Database as a Service。

ClouSE是为MYSQL设计的云存储引擎,可以利用类似Amazon S3等云存储为用户提供数据存储服务,ClouSE在云存储上提供了关系数据管理功能,可以支持事务和ACID。


数据安全性(Data confidentiality):ClouSE是唯一能够在云计算环境中提供完整安全性的技术。为了保证云环境中数据的安全性,ClouSE在对数据进行存储之前,会采用军事级别的AES-256加密算法对数据进行加密。这就意味着,无论是数据传输过程,还是数据存储过程,数据的安全性都得到了可靠的保证,即使是数据存储服务供应商都无法看到这些数据。数据的安全性完全是由客户提供给ClouSE的密钥决定的。客户自己负责密钥的管理,可以完全控制谁可以访问这些数据。







Cloud Database Comparison

By Artem Livshits ⋅ March 13, 2012 ⋅Post a comment

Filed Under cloud computing, ClouSE, MySQL, S3

I went to a GSLUG meeting last Sat and gave a talk about ClouSE. The slides are mostly the same as here, with the addition of the cloud database technologies comparison chart:

RDBaaS stands for Relational Database as a Service.

Data confidentiality: ClouSE is the only cloud database technology that provides full data confidentiality in the cloud. To guarantee data confidentiality in the cloud ClouSE encrypts the data using military grade AES-256 encryption before it puts the data to the cloud storage. This ensures that the data is visible neither over the wire nor to the cloud storage provider. The data confidentiality is fully controlled with the encryption key that the customer provides to ClouSE. Customers are in charge of encryption key management and fully control who has access to their data, if anyone.

Fast DB access: ClouSE can run on the same machine as the server application (e.g. Web Server), so access from the server application to the database is fast and reliable. Other cloud databases need to be accessed over the Internet, so the server applications need to be re-designed to deal with longer response times and higher failure rates when accessing the database. Most server applications are designed to assume that database access is fast and reliable; ClouSE fully supports that assumption.

ACID transactions, Secondary indices, SQL: NoSQL services don’t support ACID transactions, secondary indices or structured queries. Both ClouSE and RDBaaS provide standard, well-known and widely used relational database management.

Storage elasticity: With RDBaaS, the primary storage size needs to be specified upfront. Users are charged for reserved storage, not for used storage. The storage consumption cannot shrink even if some of the data is deleted. With ClouSE and NoSQL services, the storage consumption grows and shrinks with the amount data, users pay only for storage they use.

Automatic scale out: I put a yellow dot for the automatic scale out for ClouSE to reflect its ability to scale out content delivery from cloud storage directly. Applications that manage a lot of content (e.g. images, videos) may achieve significant scale-out.