讲座:推理传感器应用中非线性辨识的Just in Time方法

讲座题目:推理传感器应用中非线性辨识的Just in Time方法

讲座时间:201352日 上午9:00


报告人:Biao Huang, University of Alberta

内容摘要:There are various approaches to nonlinear system identification. They can be broadly classified into first-principle based approach and data based approach. The first principle approach is typically complex, expensive to develop and difficult to apply. Most data-based approaches are complex learning algorithms such as neural network. In this presentation, we will introduce a novel approach that is gaining popular. It is based on the philosophy that a nonlinear model may be approximated by a number of local models and each local model can be established most efficiently by using data with similar properties. Inferential sensor applications with the just-in-time approach will also be discussed in this presentation.


报告人简介:Biao Huang教授简介

Biao Huang(博士)是加拿大工程院院士、阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)化学与材料工程系教授,加拿大国家自然科学与工程研究委员会(NSERC)油沙工业过程控制首席教授,Alberta省技术创新过程控制工业首席教授,加拿大化学化工院院士。他1997年毕业于Alberta大学,获过程控制专业博士学位, 分别于19861983年在北京航空航天大学获得自动控制专业硕士和学士学位。他曾获得德国洪堡研究奖,中国教育部长江学者,NSERC加速发现资助奖、加拿大化学工程学会(CSChE Syncrude革新奖和D.G. Fisher奖、阿尔伯特大学McCalla教授奖和Killam教授奖、加拿大石油青年革新奖、《Journal of Process Control》最佳论文奖等多项殊荣。他已出版4本专著,180余篇同行评议期刊论文,在国际会议上做了140余次报告,这些成果的总被引次数5000余次,其中高引用(h-index37篇。他的关于控制性能评估的专著350余次被引用,成为一本有影响力的专著,并在世界范围的化学,石化,石油天然气,矿物加工工程,造纸工业中得到应用。现任《Control Engineering Practice》副总编,《Journal of Process Control》副主编,《Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering》副主编。