
Conference Website: http://tcdb.ccf.org.cn/apwebwaim2017/


Welcome to the home page of APWeb-WAIM 2017, to be held in Beijing, China on July 07-09 2017.

The Asia Pacific Web and Web-Age Information Management Joint Conference on Web and Big Data is aiming at attracting professionals of different communities such as industry and academic from not only Asia Pacific countries but also other continents. The objective is to share and exchange ideas, experience and techniques in the area of World Wide Web with the underlying techniques and applications, including Web technologies, database systems, information management, software engineering and big data.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline:     February 10th, 2017

Submission deadline:                   February 17th, 2017

Author notification deadline:         April 21st, 2017

Camera Ready Deadline:             May 1st, 2017

Workshop proposal due:              Jan 18, 2017 (11:59pm PST)

Notification:                                   Feb 4, 2017